
A principality (pl. principalities) is an angel of the First Choir of the Third Sphere. They are the angelic equivalent of muses, known for inspiring mankind.


In Heaven, principalities have a beautiful humanoid body essentially made of holy light, with a single pair of feathered wings. They are almost never seen without a crown and scepter. No angel can display their true form to a mortal without searing the mortal's eyes from their sockets. They may take a human form, with or without a visible set of wings - when their wings are visible they are capable of flight. They may also choose to be invisible and/or intangible (though other angels are still capable of seeing and/or feeling them).

Angels in their natural form have no gender, and even the human forms they adopt are usually fairly androgynous. They can imitate human genders, but in general they don't find it necessary. Angels never age or sicken, and usually can only be harmed by the swords of other angels - however a powerful enough demon can harm an angel with less power.

Magical Characteristics

Angels can sense emotions empathically. When communicating, angels usually use telepathy amongst each other. They can also speak to others in this fashion. Their true voices are harmful to mortals as well as the minions of Hell, but they can adopt a gentler human voice. All angels can teleport.

By wielding the divine love that they are intimately tapped into, angels can heal mortal sickness and injury. In the same way, angels can exorcise a demon from a human body with a single touch, as long as their power is greater than the demon's power.

Like all heavenkin, angels can sense the presence of evil or unholiness.

Society and Habitat

Principalities are heavenly messengers who work closely with powers, often carry out the orders of dominions, and bestow blessings on mankind. They are frequently to be found on Earth, bestowing blessings or overseeing groups of people.